Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Basic Understanding of Vedic Indian Building Science

When we choose to align the various external expressions of our lives with our inner desires and longings of spirit, life takes on a new dimension of meaning and clarity. The VASTUWORLD philosophy is based on living and acting with love, awareness, and positive intention. It’s about taking the necessary steps to make peace - with ourselves, with our work, with the spaces in which we spend our days and nights, with the earth... and with each other. Truly successful design places lay equal importance on the beauty of a space, the mindful selection of materials, the overall well being of the occupants, and the minimal impact of the ensemble on the environment.

A healthy home is a happy home - for its occupants and for earth.


A healthy workspace promotes the productivity, efficiency, and wellness of all those who work and do business there, while setting a positive example for compassionate responsibility within the corporate community.

  • "Vastu Shastra" the Vastuworld way is a voluntary, consensus-based standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings and aims at creating a benchmark & list of parameters that would ensure inhabitant about quality of space, its vibrations, energetics and human compatibility.
  • "Vastu Shastra" the Vastuworld way promotes lifestyle awareness as an important part of creating spaces for the soul.
  • "Vastu Shastra" the Vastuworld way recommendations range from choosing eco-friendly cleansing and personal products over their main-stream chemical equivalents to transforming interiors into healthy heavens.
  • "Vastu Shastra" the Vastuworld way can also give recommendations for sourcing environmental paints, organic products, and other related decorative and personal items.
  • Another important part of creating a truly healthy space is the identification and management of electromagnetic fields that emanate from electronic equipment and ungrounded wires, particularly in areas where occupants spend large amounts of time, such as bedrooms and offices.
  • "Vastu Shastra" the Vastuworld way has the tools for detecting these fields and gives recommendations for managing their presence as part of every interior alignment or healthy space consultation.

Originally formulated for the Indian climate, "Vastushastra takes into account the orientation of the sun, prevailing winds and directions of earth's magnetic fields. A good deal of it is derived from the science of Geomancy and dressed as religion to make it more palatable for the masses".